This is getting out of hand
For the record, I have no suicidal ideations. I went to the doctor last week and got a clean bill of health.
I never really believed that Tom Schweich’s death, after a whisper campaign against him, was a result of suicide.
Tom Schweich, the Missouri state auditor died in February, 2015, after a “whisper campaign that he was Jewish.” He was episcopalian.
Rumors were that former Missouri State Representative Cora Faith Walker died of a drug overdose. The official autopsy showed she had an unknown heart condition that caused her to collapse and die in a hallway after a party. There was no foul play. She was 37.
The whisper campaign has gotten out of hand.
It’s one thing to call a politician names. That happens, sometimes. It’s called dirty politics. So when, without any evidence other than my tweeting out a photograph of someone I say I met with, calling me names comes with the territory as a politician.
But harmful lies are being spread behind my back, and now they are becoming more public. Like this one that was on Twitter last night.
Why do I have to defend such a lie? Anyone who knows my work-at all-knows I have spent significant effort into protecting children, including foster children, and into fighting human trafficking. So why force me to spend any time (which takes away from the real work) to defend against such lies?
The Backbone of the Whisper Campaign
I spoke with a good friend last night. She told me that people are calling and emailing her about what’s going on with me. She told me that at least one person has told her not to talk with me at all.
I haven’t seen those emails. Any of them.
In general, Missouri House Democrats aren’t calling me or talking with me. The only thing I am aware they want is for me to denounce Charles Johnson. And I believe I would readily denounce the person they think he is. If I knew that person. Or who they think he is. Or what they think about him.
I now have strangers calling my State Representative office calling me a holocaust denier and a Nazi.
My political opponent, Elad Gross is posting threads on Twitter stating, without evidence, that he feels threatened. I’m not sure why. On the other hand, if people are publicly calling me a child trafficker, I do worry about Q-Anon types who might decide to “protect children.”
Why would there be a Whisper Campaign against me?
What comes next might sound like a conspiracy theory. But, as Eric Garland says, a racketeering indictment is a conspiracy as well. At least until there is a conviction.
This really blew up on Monday, when I spent all day in the budget appropriations subcommittee with our Department of Social Services (DSS). In the morning, after I had posted a thread on Twitter, I saw T1, our communications staff in the parking garage. He didn’t say a thing about the hubbub over the weekend.
I asked questions during the budget committee. In the morning, I spent about 10 minutes asking questions of the law enforcement unit that works under our Department of Social Services (the STAT Team).2
Just after 4:00, I asked about audits of Community Partnership programs, and specifically the ARCHS Grant Program, and what kind of oversight is done on how they distribute TANF money.
At about 4:30, in the middle of a longer conversation started by Rep. John Voss and continued by Rep. Doug Richey about welfare benefits, I asked about reframing how we look at welfare benefits. “Can we ask what would be the required budget for the standard of living that we want Missourians to have? What else should be provided to make sure everybody has a decent standard of living?”
At around 4:50, I got a text message from T, asking to chat about my messaging going into campaign season.
Since he works for the House, he knows about the separation between government business and campaign business, so I thought this was odd. I responded at 5:30 by asking for a memo.
At 5:36, T responded, and I replied at 6:30, again saying I’m OK and sharing this link.
At 5:41, I got a call from Elad Gross. I did not answer because there was a committee hearing going on. I did not know what he would be calling about.
Now the timeline is going to get harder to follow because a lot of things were happening at the same time, and all while I was trying to pay attention in budget committee.
At 6:21, I had an inquiry about the Children’s Division hotline and reasoning for closing hotline calls with no investigation.
My response (as documented earlier) to T was at 6:30. I also responded then to Elad, stating, “he’s not a holocaust denier.” (My reasoning at the time was that Elad had been, to that point, a friend, and I didn’t want him to think that I was associating with people who would deny his right to exist.)
At 6:33, I had a final inquiry with the Children’s Division about what we’re doing as a state to treat trauma, since that underlies drug use for so many individuals.
At 6:39, I had the following exchange with T (final Monday message from him at 7:10 PM)
At 6:45, I had the below exchange with Elad Gross, and I shared Charles Johnson’s Substack (this conversation ended with his message at 8:02 PM).
Also at 6:52 on Monday, I received the following text from J, a former state representative:
I agreed to talk with her, but given the busy week, did not follow up until Saturday. Here is the conversation from yesterday morning (I have not received a call since)
On Tuesday, there was a Riverfront Times article talking about who Eric Garland and Charles Johnson are, without asking them for comment, and tying me to them.
More has happened since Monday, and I am no longer on any committees. I plan to post later today about the questions I would like to ask at this week’s hearings of DMH and DHSS, as well as send those questions to all of my colleagues.
I’m redacting T’s name to protect his privacy because he has not otherwise been named in this.
I asked T for a clip of this on Wednesday. Turnaround of this, or at least a response, is within within 2 hours. I had not heard back by the end of the work week, and I know he was the Capitol on Wednesday morning.